EEA jämför tillståndet i olika europeiska länder Miljötillståndet. Hittills har tio stora miljötillståndsrapporter givits ut. Den senaste, Europas miljö 2020 (The European environment – state and outlook 2020), lanserades den 4 december 2019 för EU-kommissionen och Europaparlamentet.


If you are a consumer in the European Economic Area ("EEA") or Switzerland, this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") explains how we process your personal data 

You may also contact in case you experience problems not The source of data and information on biodiversity in Europe . Next. Explore The EEA catalogue of policy evaluations in the field of environment and climate policies is a database that contains extensive information on almost 600 published evaluations. The aim of the catalogue is to provide an easy access to the available evaluations and to obtain an overview of policy evaluation practices in Europe, in the areas of environment and climate policy. FOREST INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR EUROPE (FISE) is the single entry point for data and information to support forest-related policies in Europe.

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We do not consider unsolicited applications. Find more information about the EEA; Learn more about contract types and selection procedures ArcGIS Web Application - Europa Following the Covid-19 virus outbreak, we are working remotely. We are doing our best to be operational and carry out our work as before. This portal contains technical details and services that facilitate the reporting of official air quality information from EU Member States and other EEA member and co-operating countries. The EEA is an agency of the European Union Engineered by: L'équipe Web de l'AEE Software updated on 31 March 2021 12:53 from version 21.1.30 The Agreement creating the European Economic Area (EEA) entered into force on 1 January 1994. It allows the EEA EFTA States (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) to participate in the Internal Market on the basis of their application of Internal Market relevant acquis. Forgot your password?

Engineered by: EEA Web Team. Template updated on 31 March 2021 12:53 from version 21.1.30.

Data available in this service comes from two dataflows: E1a and E2a. The E1a data are reported to EEA by memberstates every September and covers the year before the delivery. This means that data delivered in September 2017 covers 2016. EEA also recieves up-to-date (E2a) data on hourly basis from most of its member states.

Together we can make Happy partners in an EEA Grants project from Latvia and Norway  What are the 27 EU member states? What countries fall under the EEA, EFTA or the Schengen area?

Eea europa

Watch this video "The waste dump of our planet - a look at Marine Litter" at the website of the European Environment Agency (EEA),

Eea europa

Citation: Please cite this report as Snethlage, M., 2015. Information note to IPBES secretariat on EEA and EU information. ETC/BD report to the EEA. Air pollution, noise pollution and the impacts of climate change are key risks to the everyday health and well-being of Europeans. We talked with Catherine Ganzleben, head of group, air pollution, environment and health, Alberto González, EEA air quality expert, and Eulalia Peris, EEA noise pollution expert to find out more on what the EEA is doing to improve knowledge in this important field Om man ser till utsläppen av växthusgaser är tåg generellt sett det miljövänligaste motordrivna färdmedlet för persontransporter i Europa, jämfört med flyg och bil. Det visar två transport- och miljöstudier som Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) offentliggör i dag.

(   1 янв 2021 European Economic Area, EEA) — пространство, созданное 1 января 1994 года Соглашением о EEA и предусматривающее свободное  2019年6月20日 歐盟(EU)、歐盟經濟區(EEA)、歐洲自由貿易聯盟(EFTA)、申根區( Schengen Area)各包含哪些國家?這篇文章告訴你。 Европе́йская экономи́ческая зо́на (ЕЭЗ, англ. European Economic Area, EEA) — создана 1 января 1994 года с целью предоставить возможность странам,   2021년 3월 28일 영어 기준 약칭은 EU이지만, 유럽연합의 언어는 2015년 5월 현재 24개나 되므로 공식 명칭과 EEA - 유럽 경제 지역(European Economic Area) 欧洲经济区(EEA)成立于1994年,结合了欧盟(EU)国家和欧洲自由贸易联盟 (EFTA)成员国,促进参与欧洲市场贸易和运动,而无需申请成为一个欧盟成员国   欧洲经济区(EEA)协议是1992年达成的一项协议,将欧洲联盟(EU)合并在 一起。 Преимущества работы с EU easy. От первичных консультаций и подбора программы на родине, до самого оформления. Sample Page.
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Eea europa

Code for developers. Systems Status. Legal notice. Creative commons license. CMS login VACANCY NOTICE FOR POSITIONS OF Expert – Environmental assessment - Contract Agent (FG IV) Reference no.

The European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) is a partnership network of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its 38 member and cooperating countries. The EEA is responsible for developing Eionet and coordinating its activities together with National Focal Points (NFPs) in the countries.. The NFPs are responsible for coordinating networks of National Reference VACANCY NOTICE FOR THE POSITION OF Head of Group - Writing and Publishing - Temporary Agent (AD 7) Reference no. EEA/AD/2021/2.
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EEA jämför tillståndet i olika europeiska länder Miljötillståndet. Hittills har tio stora miljötillståndsrapporter givits ut. Den senaste, Europas miljö 2020 (The European environment – state and outlook 2020), lanserades den 4 december 2019 för EU-kommissionen och Europaparlamentet.

EEA/AD/2021/2. Please send us your application by no later than 26 April 2021 at 23:59 (Copenhagen time), following the instructions in the ANNEX. The European Climate Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT is a partnership between the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA). Climate-ADAPT is maintained by the EEA with the support of the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and … The inventory began under the CORINE programme. It is now maintained for EEA by the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity and is annually updated through Eionet.

State of bathing waters - EEA

These data are not formally verified by the countries. By default, the air quality index depicts the situation 3 hours ago. See EEA disambiguation page for other meanings of EEA. The European Economic Area, abbreviated as EEA, consists of the Member States of the European Union (EU) and three countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; excluding Switzerland). The Agreement on the EEA entered into force on 1 January 1994. EEA Systems Status. Stay up to date with the latest status updates from EEA Systems.

The EEA Joint Committee shall issue an annual report on the functioning and the development of this Agreement. Environment Agency (EEA) under its 2015 work programmes as a contribution to the EEA’s work on Biodiversity and ecosystem assessments and networks – contributing to European and global processes. Citation: Please cite this report as Snethlage, M., 2015. Information note to IPBES secretariat on EEA and EU information. ETC/BD report to the EEA. Air pollution, noise pollution and the impacts of climate change are key risks to the everyday health and well-being of Europeans. We talked with Catherine Ganzleben, head of group, air pollution, environment and health, Alberto González, EEA air quality expert, and Eulalia Peris, EEA noise pollution expert to find out more on what the EEA is doing to improve knowledge in this important field Om man ser till utsläppen av växthusgaser är tåg generellt sett det miljövänligaste motordrivna färdmedlet för persontransporter i Europa, jämfört med flyg och bil. Det visar två transport- och miljöstudier som Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) offentliggör i dag.